邓婷,女,1980年生,江西高安人,中共党员,博士,教授。加州大学河滨分校访问学者。湖南省精密仪器测试学会专业委员会委员,广东省基础与应用基础研究基金项目评审专家。Biosensors & Bioelectronics,Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical等TOP期刊评审专家。主持国家自然科学基金项目2项,主持中国博士后基金项目、湖南省自然科学基金项目、长沙市自然科学基金项目等。在Advanced Functional Materials, Chem.Commun., Anal.Chem., Chemistry -A European Journal及Biosensors and Bioelectronics 等SCI源期刊发表论文50余篇,获得发明专利及实用新型专利授权4项。
2023.12-至今 8827太阳集团官网,教授;
2013.03-2015.03, 湖南大学,博士后研究;
(5)中国博士后科学基金项目 (2014M552130),结题,主持。
(6)湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目(湘教通〔2019〕90 号),结题,主持。
(7)国家重点实验室开放课题 (201303),结题,主持。
(8)湖南省重点实验室开放基金项目 (2012CL09),结题,主持。
(9)国家自然科学基金面上项目 (31570682),结题,第二参与人。
(1)Ruiying Peng, Wenchen Qi, Ting Deng*, Yanmei Si, Jishan Li, Development of surface‑enhanced Raman scattering‑sensing Method by combining novel Ag@Au core/shell nanoparticle‑based SERS probe with hybridization chain reaction for high‑sensitive detection of hepatitis C virus nucleic acid, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2024, 416:2515–2525.
(2)Fei Chen,Daian Chen,Ting Deng(*), Jishan Li,Combination of alkaline phosphatase/graphene oxide nanoconjugates and D-glucose-6-phosphate–functionalized gold nanoparticles for the rapid colorimetric assay of pathogenic bacteria,Biosensors and Bioelectronics,2022,216:114611.
(3) Ye Xie, Sina Zhang, Ting Deng*, Ke Zhang, Jiali Ren, and Jishan Li, A Novel DNAzyme Signal Amplification-Based Colorimetric Method for RNase H Assays, Analytical Science, 2021,37:1675-1680.
(4) Sina Zhang, Ye Xie, Yulong Li, Jiali Ren, Ting Deng*, Jishan Li, A novel DNAzyme-based paper sensor for the simple visual detection of RNase H activity, Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical , 2021, 331:129400.
(5) Yanmei Si, Lan Xu, Ting Deng,* Jing Zheng, and Jishan Li*, Catalytic Hairpin Self-Assembly-Based SERS Sensor Array for the Simultaneous Measurement of Multiple Cancer-Associated miRNAs, ACS Sensors, 2020, 5: 4009-4016.
(6) Ningning Wang, Liran Song, Ting Deng*, Jishan Li, Microsphere-based suspension array for simultaneous recognition and quantification of multiple cancer-associated miRNA via DNAzyme Mediated signal amplification, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2020, 1140: 69-77.
(7) Ningning Wang, Xinyan Yu, Ting Deng, Ke Zhang, Ronghua Yang, and Jishan Li*, Two-Photon Excitation/Red Emission, Ratiometric Fluorescent Nanoprobe for Intracellular pH Imaging. Anal. Chem. 2020, 92, 583−587.
(8) Ye Xie, Ningning Wang, Yulong Li, Ting Deng*, Jishan Li, Ke Zhang, Ruqin Yu, Cyclodextrin supramolecular inclusion-enhanced pyrene excimer switching for highly selective detection of RNase H. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2019, 1088: 137-143.
(9) Ningning Wang, Jun Li, Binsheng He,⁎ , Ting Deng , Jinfeng Yang, Jishan Li, Two-photon excitation nanoprobe for DNases activity imaging assay in hepatic ischemia reperfusion injury, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2019, 298: 126853.
(10) Ningning Wang, Zuhao Li, Wei Liu, Ting Deng, Jinfeng Yang, Ronghua Yang, and Jishan Li, Upconversion Nanoprobes for in Vitro and ex Vivo Measurement of Carbon Monoxide, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 26684−26689.
(11) Ruiying Peng, Yanmei Si, Ting Deng, Jing Zheng, Jishan Li,* Ronghua Yang and Weihong Tan, A novel SERS nanoprobe for the ratiometric imaging of hydrogen peroxide in living cells. Chemical Communications,2016,52: 8553.
(12) Qier Zhang,Ting Deng*,Jishan Li,Weijian Xu,Guoli Shen,Ruqin Yu ,Cyclodextrin supramolecular inclusion-enhanced pyrene excimer switching for time-resolved fluorescence detection of biothiols in serum,Biosensors and Bioelectronics,2015,68:253-258.
(13) Tang, Qiao ,Wang, Ningning,Zhou, Fulin,Deng, Ting,Zhang, Songbai,Li, Jishan,Yang, Ronghua,Zhong, Wenwan,Tan, Weihong,A novel AgNP/DNA/TPdye conjugate-based two-photon nanoprobe for GSH imaging in cell apoptosis of cancer tissue,Chemical Communications,2015,51(94):16810-16812.
(14) Liu, Mingli,Tang, Qiao,Deng, Ting,Yan, Huijuan,Li, Jishan,Li, Yinhui,Yang, Ronghua,Two-photon AgNP/DNA-TP dye nanosensing conjugate for biothiol probing in live cells.,Analyst,2014,139(23):6185-6191.
(15) Gao, Xiaoxia,Deng, Ting*,Li, Jishan,Yang, Ronghua,Shen, Guoli,Yu, Ruqin,New probe design strategy by cooperation of metal/DNA-ligation and supermolecule inclusion interaction: application to detection of mercury ions(II),Analyst,2013,138(9):2755-2760.
(16) Deng, Ting,Li, Jishan,Zhang, Liang-Liang,Jiang, Jian-Hui,Chen, Jie-Nan,Shen, Guo-Li,Yu, Ru-Qin,A sensitive fluorescence anisotropy method for the direct detection of cancer cells in whole blood based on aptamer-conjugated near-infrared fluorescent nanoparticles,Biosensors and Bioelectronics,2010,25(7):1587-1591.
(17) Li, Jishan,Deng, Ting,Chu, Xia,Yang, Ronghua,Jiang, Jianhui,Shen, Guoli,Yu, Ruqin,Rolling Circle Amplification Combined with Gold Nanoparticle Aggregates for Highly Sensitive Identification of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms,Analytical Chemistry,2010,82(7):2811-2816.